Do I need to pay extra charges for online payment or online orders?

Do I need to pay extra charges for online payment or online orders?

All extra charges are taken by restaurant owner. Zotel is not taking any extra charges for online payment or online orders.
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      Restaurant owner will get whole payment of orders placed through Zotel. They have to set their own PayPal Account for online transaction.
    • What payment methods you offer in your ordering system software?

      There are a variety of payment options available for the easy checkout of your customers. COD (Cash on Delivery), CC (Credit Card), DC (Debit Card) and UPI on request. The other payment methods can also be added as per region and client request.
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      In order to provide all customers with a great selection and to ensure on time delivery of your meal, we reserve the right to limit the quantities depending on supply.
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      Zotel is providing you facility to send your special request or notes to restaurant with your order. You can write your special notes at the time of providing information of your address and all.
    • How to register restaurant on Zotel?

      Anyone can start their restaurant business online within few minutes. Click on Add Your Restaurant from Zotel welcome page. Enter your mail id and receive mail to add your restaurant details. Add whole details and restaurant will be online.